Meridyen Gıda, which exports more than 50 countries with its non-alcoholic beverage production, continuously develops their production capacity and line. It is researching in R&D laboratories in order to prepare products which are suitable for today's consumption trends.
Meridian Food Brands; Dark Blue Energy Drink, Just Power Energy Drink, Just Coffee Ice Coffee, Dark Cafe Ice Coffee, Jet Blue Energy Drink, Jet Coffee Ice Coffee, Jet Black Energy Drink
The Company produces beverage such as Energy Drinks, Ice coffee, Ice Tea, Carbonated soft drinks & Juice in own plant at the capacity 150.000 units/hour. Will soon be available with the milk added products to the portfolio.
our purpose; providing our products' content quality with increasing continuity and present them to the world with Turkey with healthy and hygienic product features.
تصدر شركةُ ميريديان للأغذية المشروباتِ الغازية غير الكحولية إلى أكثر من خمسين 50 دولة. وتتطور قدرة وفرقة الإنتاج باستمرار يوما بعد يوم. وتمارس دراسات البحوث والتطوير من أجل إعداد المنتجات المناسبة لاتجاهات الاستهلاكية اليومية.
وتملك على إمكانية التعبئة 150.000 وحدة في الساعة. وتنتج حاليًّا مشروبات الطاقة والمشروبات الغازية وعصائر الفاكهة الطبيعية وعصير الليمون والشراي الباد و القهو وفي أقرب وقت ستضيف المنتجات الحليب إلى قائمتها الإنتاجية وستعرض على زبائنها مزيدا من المنتجات المتنو
هدفنا هو التحسين المستمر لجودة منتجاتنا والتوفير المنتجات الصحية للعالم كله بالإضافة إلى تركيا.
Exporting to more than 50 countries with its non-alcoholic beverage production, Meridyen Gıda is constantly improving its production capacity and line. It conducts research in R&D laboratories to prepare products suitable for today's consumption trends.
Some of the Meridyen Food brands; Dark Blue Energy Drink, Just Power Energy Drink, Just Coffee Ice Coffee, Dark Cafe Ice Coffee, Jet Blue Energy Drink, Jet Coffee Ice Coffee, Jet Black Energy Drink
Our company produces beverages such as energy drinks, cold coffee, cold tea, non-alcoholic carbonated drinks & fruit juices in its own facility with a capacity of 150,000 units/hour. It will soon launch its portfolio of products with added milk to the market.
Our aim; To ensure the content quality of our products with increasing continuity and to present them to the world together with Turkey with healthy and hygienic product features.